Functional Integration® is one of the learning forms which is a part of the Feldenkrais Method®. Feldenkrais practitioners can verbally guide a full classroom through sequences of movement in Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lessons. They also guide individual clients in Functional Integration® (FI) sessions.

In an FI session, I assist and guide each client through movements in unique, gentle, supported physical sequences which are a response to their personal needs.

FI sessions are hands-on, a form of tactile, kinesthetic exploration. The Feldenkrais practitioner learns about the client, how they organize and use their body – their self. Then, through gentle touching and movement, the practitioner helps each client to become aware of more options available to organize themselves in the world.

Each Functional Integration session responds to a current need of the client. The process of communication occurs primarily at a level of brain function which does not involve conscious awareness. Through concerted interaction, and with respect for their individual abilities, qualities, and integrity, the practitioner and client together create an environment in which neurological reorganization is promoted naturally and comfortably.

The neurological processes involved in the sensory-motor experience during these sessions can also help to put clients in touch with sensations and experiences that are part of many creative processes.

Call, text, or email me for an appointment.