What we do, what we think, and what we are is totally dependent on the information about ourselves and our environment which our brains are able to manipulate. A brain uses neural pathways to organize its information. When we are very young, our neural circuitry has virtually infinite possibilities for interaction and communication. As we grow older, we tend to allow more and more of our activities to be controlled by our habitual neural pathways. As a result, those pathways don’t have as many easily accessible possibilities for interaction as they did when we were young. Eventually, these limitations restrict our perceptions and actions.As we get older we often have more information to use in the world than we did when we were young, but our ability to discover possibilities for the use of that information declines.

So, in a nutshell, the fact that our brains have the capacity for neurological reorganization means we have the capacity to become aware of more of the sensory input which our brains receive. As we discover this new capacity for awareness, the process of discovery becomes part of our everyday lives. Our movements, our behavioral processes, our ability to conceive and create, even our ability to interact and communicate becomes more efficient, comfortable, and natural.

What to do?

Dr. Feldenkrais discovered that through physical guidance he could alert the organizational tendency of our brains to the challenging relationships in our bodies, relationships which could be better organized neurologically. He then discovered that our brains take over the healing process at that point, and work spontaneously to find a more optimal, more efficient, and more natural organization.

The most immediate result generally is improved movement of one kind or another. Pain may be easier. There is sometimes an improved sense of well-being, too. After a while we find more and more differences in our lives.

Over time, our brain’s plasticity extrapolates the neurological information about the changes that are happening in one area and finds that the same principles can be applied throughout its circuitry. Our brains become re-accustomed not only to the wider possibilities of discovery that emerge, but more importantly, they become accustomed to the expectation that even greater possibilities will continue to come.

What does this mean?

It means that without having to think about it you will find ways to live your life more like yourself
as a complete human being.