Why is Feldenkrais® Plus a unique fit for the needs of today’s workplace?

healthy person

Our health is as important for our work life as for our home life. Being healthy involves more than having an exercise regimen or a specialized diet. If we don’t have some knowledge of our bodies and how they work, we will get limited results from any discipline, no matter how effective it is.

Office environments present many challenges to our health. Aches and pains become accepted as normal. Ergonomics are helpful, but like diet and exercise, they have limits.

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Neurologists have shown that our brains’ plasticity is key to bringing about change in our lives. After his disabling knee injury, Dr. Feldenkrais discovered how to change his own system of moving around by retraining the neurological habits that directed his movements. Then he learned how to teach others to change themselves as well!

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Feldenkrais® Plus offers a natural and life-altering process for changing how you move about in your work environment. This has truly significant possibilities for your survival in your place of work.

This is because of the Plus in Feldenkrais® Plus.

What is Neurological Plasticity?

David Rowland. 9078 Hadley Court, North Charleston, SC 29406. (415) 264-2199.