The Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education teaches self-understanding in order to cultivate efficiency and simplicity in an individual’s functioning. In other words, as you find out more about yourself and the way you operate, you will also find out, without having to make any additional effort, how to function more efficiently and with greater ease.

Soma: The body of an individual,
as differentiated from their mind or their psyche.

Working with a person’s body in order to promote improved brain function, rather than with their intellect, is the basis of somatic practices.

Somatic practices, including the Feldenkrais Method, are about:
• learning about our own selves with our own internal awareness,
• discovering and releasing our muscle tension,

• finding more comfort and ease from pain in our lives.

• developing our own natural understanding of our existence, and
• becoming a complete, healthy human being.

Leonardo da Vinci’s robot-knight

For More Information:
Functional Integration® sessions
Awareness Through Movement® sessions
Dr. Feldenkrais